Friday, September 26, 2014

Scientific Experiment

For many scientific researches, mostly in medical, chemical, biology, organic and biochemistry, the transillumination is used for experiment. Transillumination is the process of imaging out a sample by illuminating, also known as light transmission goes through the samples and create sample image. Transilluminators are the tools that used for this process. Among well-known and widely used processes, the Blue Light transilluminators and UV variant are notable but the first one is mostly preferred because of few reasons. First, UV oriented tool is not safe as it produces and spreads UV ray that may cause harm to the sample, DNA samples are more vulnerable. Second, it is harmful for the human body, as it is reported that, UV ray cause skin diseases to human body and excessive radiation may lead to skin cancer. These reasons give Blue Light variant preferences over the UV device. These blue light tools don't cause any harm to human body, don't burn the body and irritate eyes. And, also keep the damage at lowest to the samples. But, scientific researchers are too much sensitive and also concerns many other security facts.
Moreover, there are wide varieties of vendors who market blue light transilluminators. So, there are few certain facts should be considered when choosing a transilluminator. Make sure that your device has been featured following the standard for safety of European community. Be sure about your required products dimension and get informed about your chosen one. The dimension of the viewing surface is also important as you will experiment basically on this. Know about detail product specification, for instance get informed about LED life span, as expected life span is 50,000 hours. Most of the experiments are done with gel; say for example, for DNA synthesis, gel is necessary. For, the synthesis the excitement of the gel is also necessary. Make sure that your device handles the excitement of gel properly. An adapter is essential for the effective gel documentation system, to get better result, make sure that your device got electric power adapter. Be sure about the versatility of your device, the more dyes it can illuminate, it is considered better transilluminator. Your device should at least cover Ethidium Bromide, SYPRO Ruby, GetGreen, SYBRSafe, GelRed, EtBr since they are standard and widely used. For better result, the S/N ratio should be at least. The standard wavelength is 470 nm; make sure your device features the same. 

About Blue Light Transillumination

Transillumination is a scientific experimental process, mostly used in biology, biochemistry and medical laboratory to experiment samples by illuminating that is light transmitting through the samples. The final goal of transillumination is to produce an image of the sample to be experimented. Different transilluminators are used to accomplish transillumination process, among which Blue light transilluminators and UV variation are well known and widely used. Although, both tools are used by the first one is mostly preferred. This is because, the UV transilluminators are reported that, these generate ultraviolet ray that causes damage to the sample, and also serious harm to human body. For instances, UV variant may burn your skin and eyes. This also may damage DNA samples and reduce cloning efficiency. Different vendors provide Blue light transilluminators with different functionalities, dimensions and properties. So, while choosing this, few points needed to be considered. As, most of the experiments employ gel, get informed that how does your chosen machine handle these gels, be sure that your devices fulfill the safety prerequisites of European community. Get informed about the product dimension and choose the perfect one. The viewing surface dimension is also needed to be checked. While choosing, notice the LED life span, for example expected life span is 50,000 hours. Your machine should provide necessary excitement for the gel. It should be optimized to use with different samples, nucleic acids, protein stains etc. For easy and effective inside gel documentation system, there should be an electrical power corded adapter. The better result can be yielded if the light is brighter and the light emission is uniform. So, make sure that these features are standard on your device. 
The more number of ranges of dyes it can illuminate, the better the transilluminator it is. So, make sure that you device can illuminate at least the standard number of dyes. It should illuminate at least Ethidium bromide, SYPRO Ruby, GetGreen, SYBRSafe, GelRed, EtBr as they are standard and widely used. The S/N ratio is very important while imaging, make sure that your device keep this ratio at lowest. Consider the wavelength; expected wavelength should be around 470 nm.  A number of vendors market these devices at different price levels based on included features and functionalities from $200 to $1000. The price depends on the device dimensions, experiment surface dimensions, wavelength etc. And, not all the devices are suitable for all experiments; grab the perfect product for perfect lab-work.

What is Blue Light Transilluminators?

The blue light transilluminators are a source of irradiation in the form of a concise headspring of light meant for secure inspection of those samples of DNA and proteins that are marked vividly. Each blue light transilluminator comprises several horizontally placed fluorescent tubes that are in the shape of a Uand a framework of metal overlay. The U shaped tubes have a covering of polycarbonate (an unbreakable element that is easy to carry) shield that controls cooling airflow within the system. The U is fixed on a stand that is fashioned in such a manner so as to provide an adjustment of 3axis. Several products are available as MB-16 ,MB-20,MB-21, all these ,with an ultra violet wavelength of three hundred and two nano meters but each has a different area of view. Some others are with a wavelength of three hundred and two nanometers to three hundred and sixty five nanometers. It is not out of place to mention the availability of conversion screen for all the work envisioned with blue light. It consists of a steel hatch and rubber margins. The blue light transilluminator has the capability to light up bands as little as 0.01nanogram with display of a short duration. The resultant pictures are speckles. The blue light transilluminators are often employed in place of Ultraviolet transilluminators because the latter are fraught with detrimental effects. Some blue light transilluminators are styled with remarkable filters (percolators) that serve as aid to envision the fluorescent bands; however, the blue light transilluminators have the drawback of the loss of a major part of the signal, while filtering out the blue backdrop light. The conduction is excellent as well as multifaceted.
Another supreme version of blue light transilluminator is the one that is used for perception of dyes without stimulating them. On account of the state of the art technology it is befitting for recognition of the nucleic acids dyed with ethidium chloride and also for very high level genuine signals. In order to obtain straight forward observation of the specimen there is a provision of filters that could easily be adjusted uninterruptedly. The holder and the frame of the filter are made up of stainless steel. Due to the LEDs that are designed for high –ranking conduction and the diffusers that serve the purpose of spreading light in an unvaried uniform way with guarantee. The triple wavelength blue light transilluminator is yet another accomplishment by the research scientists. It has a high intensity LED (light –emitting diode) arrangement which gives a sure shot brilliance.